A National webinar on ‘Renewable Energy Sources – Future Prospectus’ is organised under Environment Sustainability Plan (ESP), under ICAR NAHEP-IDP Project in University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad on 17.07.2020
Renewable energy is the sustainable energy that doesn’t run out with time. This is also referred as ‘alternative energy’. It means sources of energy that are alternative to the most commonly used non-sustainable sources – like coal, petroleum etc. The proposed webinar aimed to provide the information on overall view of renewable energy sources such as Solar energy, Windenergy and Biomass conversion technologies.
The Dr. Satish R. Desai, Professor, Agricultural Engineering, UAS, Dharwad and Organiser of the National Webinar welcomed all the guests, speakers, officers of the University and participants. During the inaugural address, Dr.M B Chetti, Vice Chancellor, UAS, Dharwad and team leader of NAHEP-IDP expressed that the utilization of renewable energy is need of the hour with inclusion of efficient and cost-effective innovations to emphasize and achieve clean energy goals. Dr. JyothiVastrad, Nodal officer (ES) & Dr. S. R. Desai introduced the speakers.
Dr. B. Shridhar, Dean (Agril.Engg.) AECR&I, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu provided information on the status of use of renewable energy in India. Various biomass conversion technologies like Thermal gasification, Hydrothermal process etc. were neatly explained by Dr. P. Subramaniam, Prof and Head, Dept of Renewable Energy Engineering, AECR&I, TNAU, Coimbatore. Dr. A. G. Mohod, Prof and Head, Dept of Electrical Engineering and Other Energy Sources, Dr. BalasahebSawant Krishi Vidyapeeta, Dapoli, explained the various avenues to use Solar and Wind energy conversion technologies and innovative possibilities in this field. He also briefedabout the future prospects of Solar and Wind energy conversion into electricity can transform the industrial and agriculture sectors. Totally 374 participants were witnessed the webinar. The webinar ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Jyoti V. Vastrad Nodal officer (ESP). The national webinar was organizedby Dr. Satish R Deasai and Dr. Jyoti V. Vastrad.