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  • Tree planting by Hon’ble Vice Chanellor Dr. M. B. Chetti UAS, Dharwad on the occasion of environmental day celebration

On the occasion of world environment day celebration tree planting programme was taken up in the UAS stadium premises. The programme was jointly organised by Go Green initiative of NAHEP-IDP, UAS, Dharwad in collaboration with the state Department of Forest. Dr. M. B. Chetti Hon’ble Vice chancellor, UAS, Dharwad expressed that the World Environment Day has provided us with an opportunity to broaden our opinion and responsibilities in conserving and sustaining the environment. He also opined that the current environmental crisis is alarming situation that requires rethinking of our relationship with the living beings, eco-system and their biodiversity.He also gave a call to every one to plant more number of saplings on this occasion. Honb’le Vice Chancellor narrated the activities of IDP  Go-green programme. He said that to conserve of ecosystem with a vision of preserving our exotic fruit bearing plants would be highly appreciating. Therefore, the planting of more than 50    Cordia myxa trees has been initiated today  in the first phase of Green initiative for the year 2020 at UAS, Dharwad. Mr. Manjunath Chauhan, Conservative Forest Officer, spoke on this occasion and also highlighted importance of  theme of World Environment Day 2020 in ‘Celebrating Biodiversity’.It stressed on the need to conserve our eco-system and biodiversity due to adversities happening in nature around the globe. Mr. Yeshpal K. DCF, Forest Department, Officers of University of Agricultural Sciences, Principal Investigator, Nodal Officers, NAHEP-IDP team and Head of the Department of Physical Education were also participated in programme.