The training programme on Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown was organised on 22.05.2020 at UAS, Dharwad the main campus for the faculty to orient on coping measures during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The programme was attended by fifty faculty and IDP Staff. The programme was inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. Mahadev B. Chetti, Team Leader-ICAR-NAHEP-IDP and in his inaugural address he stressed the need for understanding the present situation of Covid 1-9 and to take precautionary measures not only for the benefits of one self but also our target groups like students and farming community.
In first technical session, the resource person Dr. Mahesh Desai, Director, DIMHANS delivered a talk on “Minding our minds during COVID-19”. Dr. Desai narrated in detail about various factors that lead to the anxiety and fear about Covid 19 lockdown that is common among general public.He underlined the importance of holistic approach involving physical, mental and spiritual care measures to overcome stress and strain during this period of lockdown targeted towards healthy and happy life. He expressed that changes observed due to lockdown restrictions in routine activities resulted in redistribution of home chores, exam changes, work from home, financial stress, interpersonal strain, boredom, anger, irritation and frustration, uncertainty and insecurity etc. It is essential to recognize them and manage them. He further said that increased risk of stress, sleep, disturbances, anxiety, depression, OCD, substance abuse and their complications are mental illness caused due to COVID-19 pandemic and these may lead to physical, emotional behavioural and cognitive disorders. He added that COVID-19 is not the first pandemic caused in this world, worst pandemic like plague, SARS etc were more dangerous than COVID-19.
Another faculty from DIMHANS Dr. R. Sreevani, presented on the topic “Overcoming Lockdown anxiety-Holistic measures”. She stressed on physical, psychological and spiritual ways of handling anxiety. She expressed that one should recognize, accept and manage any problem that arise out of any situation. She advised to focus on biological, psychological and spiritual ways to improve mental health. If bodily we are not happy it will lead to some psychological stress. Adequate air, water, balanced diet, regular elimination activity and exercise, adequate sleep and rest are the major techniques to get rid of any kind of stress. Nutritional diet rich with proteins, amino acids and minerals play prominent role for enhancing immunity to fight against pandemic.
Afternoon session was on the topic “It Is Never Too Late…….” by Mr. Mahesh Mashal, Director, CONNECT, Dharwad. He motivated the faculties toward overcoming stress and strain due to COVID-19 lockdown. Improving ourselves technically to the present demanding standards is need of hour. Further,he connected them to their enormous potential by transforming their mindsets. He also highlighted the factors that influence future conditions and situations of lifeof different categories of people around the globe. He also stressed the need for sharing, caring and togetherness for leading a better life in post Covid period.
Dr. Surekha Sankanagouder, faculty of Community Science College and Dr. V. K. Deshpande, faculty of college of Agriculture, UAS, Dharwad shared their opinion on Coping with Covid-19 training. Later, in the Valedictory function Honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr. Mahadev B. Chetti was addressed the gathering. Dr. B. K. Naik, Nodal officer(National Activities) proposed vote of thanks. The programme was co-ordinated by Dr K.V.Ashalatha, Associate Co-ordinater, -NAHEP- IDP, UAS, Dharwad.