Augmenting Quality and Relevance of Higher Agricultural Education through Enhanced Learning Outcome and Entrepreneurship Development 

  • Inaugurated by ICAR, Deputy Director General Dr. K. Alagusundaram

One day webinar on Innovations in Agri-Horti produces to be a leader in Processing and Value addition was organized on 23 September 2020 for the faculty and students of UAS, Dharwad (Hanumanamatti). ICAR, Deputy Director General Dr. K. Alagusundaram inaugurated the webinar. Speaking after inaugurating he expressed that, India can become leader in agriculture, by providing good infrastructure in post harvest technologies and farmers can get higher price by processing their product. He also expressed that “Smart Agri Ecosystem” can be created by investment in agricultural research and initiating a collaborative approach with agri-tech start-ups and corporate sector.

UAS, Dharwad, Hon’ble vice chancellor Dr. M. B. Chetti expressed that vaccum packing of  chilli was first introduced to the world by UAS, Dharwad using good post harvest technology. Speaking on the occasion he said there is need for infrastructure for a value addition to make India leader in Agri-Horti processing. Principal Scientist, Dr. Dattatreya M Kadam, ICAR, CIRCOT, Mumbai, highlighted on the current status and innovations of processing and value addition of Agri-Horti commodities. HR Manager ITC, Mr. Raghuveer Nayak, Mysuru plant, ITC, Mysuru delivered lecture on Entrepreneurship opportunities. Dr. M.V. Manjunatha, organized the webinar. Dr. K. V. Ashalatha, Associate coordinator, NAHEP-IDP, Dr. Balachandra Naik, Dr. Satish R. Desai were present in the porgramme.