Dr. Spurthi N. Nayak
Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology
UAS, Dharwad
E-mail: nayaksn@uasd.in
Mobile: 9441849444
- B. Sc. (Agriculture) with Gold Medal at UAS, Dharwad (2003)
- M. Sc. (Agriculture, Plant Biotechnology) with Gold Medalsat UAS, Dharwad (2005)
- Ph. D. (Genetics), ICRISAT, Hyderabad (2011)
- Post Doctorate Fellow at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA (2011-2013)
- Special Project Scientist (Genomics and Molecular Breeding) at ICRISAT, Hyderabad (2014-2017).
Positions Held
- Assistant Professor
Awards & Recognitions
IDP Related Experiences
- Published more than 25 peer-reviewed papers in International journals(with NAAS rating > 6) and 5 book chapters in International publishers. Teaching of molecular biology and biotechnology courses to Diploma, UG and PG students. Worked under several internationally funded projects like ADOC (Generation Challenge Program, CGIAR), TLI (funded by BMG Foundation), Breeding for aflatoxin resistance (funded by MARS Chocolate Inc.), Sugarcane diversity (Dept of Energy, US). Internship at Department of Plant Pathology, University of California-Davis, USA in the preparation and screening of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, data analysis and DNA sequencing (2008). Attended training course on “Improving the Water Use Efficiency in Mediterranean Agriculture (WUEMED)” on “Integrated approaches to improve drought tolerance in crops” held at Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technology, University of Bologna, Italy (2006). Development of molecular markers, genetic mapping and QTL identification for drought tolerance in chickpea. Allelic diversity of candidate genes for drought tolerance in important crop species. Molecular diversity and construction of core collection in global sugarcane collection at Miami, Florida, US. Functional genomics studies for aflatoxin resistance, late leaf spot disease and heat tolerance in groundnut and identification of functional markers for these traits. Diversity and functional genomics studies in fungal pathogens like aflatoxin producing fungus Aspergillus flavus (in groundnut), pearl millet blast fungus (Pyriculariagrisea ), Fusaria associated with sorghum grain mold complex.
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