Dr. P. L. Patil
Associate Director of Research (HQ) & Professor of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
UAS, Dharwad
E-mail: patilpl@uasd.in
Mobile: 919448861025
- Univ. Agril. Sciences, Bangalore, B. Sc. (Agri) 1980
- Univ. Agril. Sciences, Dharwad, M.Sc. (Soil Science) 1986
- Univ. Agril. Sciences, Dharwad, Ph. D. (Soil Science) 1995
Positions Held
- Associate Director of Research (HQ), UAS, Dharwad (31.05.2019 to Till date)
- Nodal officer Sujala-III Project (World Bank Funded), AC, Dharwad (2014 to Till date)
- Professor of Soil Science, UAS, Dharwad (20.08.2009 to Till date)
- Professor and Head Dept. Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry,UAS, Dharwad (03.07.2012 to 12.5.2015)
- University Head (Soil Science), UAS, Dharwad (19.01.2009 to 18.01.2012)
- Professor of Soil Science, WMRC, Belavatagi (13.02.2005 to 20.08.2009).
Awards & Recognitions
- Vice President, Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur (2019 to 2021)
- Member of Executive Council of Central University, Bilaspur Chattishgarh, Nominated by Honorable President of India (2019 to 2022)
- Member, Executive committee, Indian Society of Agricultural Information Technology (2018)
- Member, Board of Studies, ANGRAU, Guntur, AP (2018)
- Asia Geospatial Excellence award for Application of Geo-spatial technology for watershed Management to “KWDP-II (Sujala-III Project), Asian Geospatial Society (2017)
- Team award for on Ground water augmentation award for Farmers Participatory Action Research Project, Ministry of Water Resources, GOI, New Delhi during (2009-10)
- Gold Medal for the highest grade point average (4.00/4.00) during Ph.D, UAS, Dharwad (1995)
- Senior research Fellowship for Doctoral Research, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India (1991)
- Merit scholarship for MS in Soil Science, UAS, Dharwad (1984)
IDP Related Experience
- Implemented World Bank funded Project on Support for Improved Programme Integration in Rainfed Areas of Karnataka (KEDW-II or Sujala-III Project) through Government of Karnataka and developed infrastructure. Developed infrastructure from DST(FIST) Project
IDP Related Contribution
- Developed Field facilities for conducting land resource inventory (LRI) work and hydrological monitoring work in Gadag, Koppal and Vijayapur districts and analytical laboratories (Modular labs and instruments) for soil and water analysis and Remote sensing and GIS laboratory for satellite image processing and preparation of LRI maps and Atlases in Dharwad. The following is the details of infrastructure facilities developed from World Bank funded Sujala-III Project and the facilities are extended to UG and PG teaching and PG research across the faculty. Established Remote sensing and GIS Laboratory facilities with 9 work stations, 5 PCs, 6 licenses of ERDAR, 6 licenses of Arc GIS master lab kit, A0 scanner, A0 plotter and A0 laminator. Established two Soil analysis laboratories with Modular tables, instruments and equipments and high end equipments like Auto N analyser, Wet and Dry Sieve shakers, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Pressure Plate and Membrane Apparatus and CHNS Analyser. Established 3 Automatic weather stations with 10ft x 10 ft chain link fence, one each on the farmers’ field at Gadag, Koppal and Vijayapur districts of Karnataka.Established field facilities to carry out LRI activity with 16 field parties; 8 No. Camaras, 16 No. hand held GPS, 20 No. Munsel soil colour charts, 6No. core samplers, 6No. Double ring infiltrometers, DGPS, Total station, 8 No. Abney levels, 8No. Distance meters. Established field facilities to carry out ground water depth, yield and quality monitoring and soil profile moisture monitoring using TDR in pilot micro watersheds of Gadag, Koppal and Vijayapur. Established Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory, and Procured and installed Micro wave Digester, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and High Speed Centrifuge under DST(FIST) Project
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