Augmenting Quality and Relevance of Higher Agricultural Education through Enhanced Learning Outcome and Entrepreneurship Development 

  • Inaugural note by the Dr. I.S. Katageri, Dean, College of Forestry, Sirsi

The regional alumni meet at the College of Forestry, Sirsi was conducted during 11th  and 12th  January, 2020 under  Institutional Development Plan (IDP- UAS, Dharwad) and in association with the ‘Karnataka  State Forestry Graduates and Students Association’(KSFGSA) Sirsi.  There was an overwhelming response to the call of the alumni meet with 286 registered alumni of CoF, Sirsi. The participants were from all sectors viz., entrepreneurs, Indian Forest Service (IFS) officers, forest managers, bank managers, commercial tax officers, officers in line departments etc. The programme was inaugurated by the Dr. I. S. Katageri, Dean, College of Forestry, Sirsi. In his inaugural speech he urged that networking with alumni is the critical key for success. Speaking on the occasion Mr. B. P. Ravi, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (APCCF), Govt. of Karnataka stressed that the students should seek job creation as an important life goal.

A session on the role of alumni in strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of the students was held. Mr. Nithin Goudar, a successful entrepreneur shared his thoughts with the students. Mr. Srivatsa Jois, a forest certification and lead forest certification auditor in Sweden, informed about job opportunities for the forestry students. Mr Rajendra Hegde, who is a successful farmer highlighted about the opportunities in farming sector as a ‘cool career’.

The nodal officers of the Sirsi campus, Dr. R. Vasudev and Dr. H. Shivanna attended the programme. Mr. Umesh Rathode the President of Karnataka State Forestry Graduates Association, Sirsi offered the vote of thanks. An entertainment programmes was organized by students in the evening. A database of all the alunmi was also created during the event.